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How better management of processes in Docker can greatly improve a container’s lifecycle
Proper handling of processes in Docker, especially the PID 1, helps containers stop quickly and cleanly. Here's why, and how!

How to migrate to hub-and-spoke on AWS and why is it worth it?
Discover how we implemented a hub-and-spoke architecture for one of our customers, what it brought and which challenges we faced!

Header Based routing in Kubernetes with Traefik and ArgoCD
In this article, you will learn how you can use ArgoCD and Traefik to set up a header routing solution for an application in Kubernetes.

Discover Karpenter: the new Kubernetes native autoscaler!
Do you need to set up node autoscaling for your AWS EKS cluster? Consider using Karpenter, the new Kubernetes native autoscaler!

Reduce your cluster cost with kube-downscaler
This article shows you how to optimize the costs of your Kubernetes cluster with kube-downscaler.

burrito is a TACoS
Introducing burrito, our home-cooked open-source TACoS Kubernetes operator. A tool, still in early development, to manage terraform at scale freely!

Demystifying the “Essential container in task exited” error in ECS
In this post, we will learn how to debug and fix the “essential container in task exited” error within ECS Fargate.

The challenges of on-premise Kubernetes clusters and how to solve them
Kubernetes was built for the cloud, but it is very versatile. Learn how to build an on-premise cluster with load balancing and dynamic volumes.

Simplify your Terraform refactoring with tfautomv
Infrastructure as code is great, but refactoring can be painful because of how Terraform works. With tfautomv, it becomes much easier.

What is DRP and what are the possibles technical solutions to implement it?
Building a Disaster Recovery Plan can be long and tedious, here are some tips to help you understand and organize your plan!

How to use Crossplane on Kubernetes to build your cloud infrastructure
You are familiar with Kubernetes and need cloud infrastructure for your business? Check out why Crossplane might be the tool for you!

Complex Gitlab pipelines
Deploy complex environments using Gitlab pipelines with multi-project dynamic pipelines, downstream jobs, and artifact management.

What is GitOps and why should you look into it?
Have you heard of GitOps? Discover what it is, where it comes from, and why you should use it to improve your infrastructure management.

Automate your GitHub Releases with Release Please
Manually creating releases for your repos can be quite tedious. Get automated version bumps and conventional changelogs with Release Please!

How to use Renovate to maintain your project dependencies
Keeping your dependies up to date is what will sustainbaly maintain your repositories. Learn about Renovate, a tool perfect to do so!

How to schedule your pods based on GPU in a k0s Kubernetes cluster
Tutorial to schedule pods in a Kubernetes cluster based on GPU consumption using the stack k0S, NVIDIA GPU Operator, and GPU Share.

Beautiful Makefile help messages with awk
Prettier Makefiles are not only nice for the eyes, but also a great use case for awk.