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How to use Kubernetes PVCs with EFS provisioner?

How to use Kubernetes PVCs with EFS provisioner?

Here is how you can easily use AWS EFS volumes for Kubernetes dynamic storage provisioning, a resilient way to deal with persistent storage.

AWS profiles: how to simplify complex authentication?

AWS profiles: how to simplify complex authentication?

AWS profiles allow you to abstract away complex mechanisms like multi-factor authentication or chained role assumptions so they don’t show up in your code

One Terraform state S3 bucket for all my AWS accounts

One Terraform state S3 bucket for all my AWS accounts

Did you ever struggle to set up a multi AWS account terraform deployment? Learn how to easily set up your backend & provider configurations to make it work.

Using Terraform for EKS cluster

Using Terraform for EKS cluster

Here is a tutorial to get started with Terraform, EKS & AWS. Learn how to deploy an EKS cluster and how to use the AWS console to view all your resources.

How to set up an SSH bastion on AWS with Terraform modules in few minutes?

How to set up an SSH bastion on AWS with Terraform modules in few minutes?

Learn how to set up a secure and highly available SSH bastion on an AWS environment in minutes using the Terraform modules from the online registry.

Implement an Application Load Balancer for EKS cluster

Implement an Application Load Balancer for EKS cluster

An EKS cluster may need an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to avoid the overloading. See how to implement it for an EKS instance.

A load testing tutorial with Gatling’s Frontline on AWS

A load testing tutorial with Gatling’s Frontline on AWS

Here is my feedback on how I used Gatling Frontline to properly load test, tune and scale an infrastructure within hours.

How to deploy an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) instance on AWS?

How to deploy an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) instance on AWS?

Kubernetes is a new popular technology. Therefore, AWS develops its own Kubernetes managed service: EKS. It allows you to deploy a Kubernetes cluster easily

Using kubeadm for a Kubernetes on-premise setup

Using kubeadm for a Kubernetes on-premise setup

Find out how you can use kubeadm in order to deploy a fully fledged Kubernetes cluster into your own bare-metal infrastructure.

Kubernetes: What to expect from the new 1.18 k8s version?

Kubernetes: What to expect from the new 1.18 k8s version?

Version 1.18 of Kubernetes is due to be released on March 24. It is an opportunity to discover the new features that will be introduced by this version.

Monitor your RDS instances with Cloudwatch metrics

Monitor your RDS instances with Cloudwatch metrics

Enable some of the available metrics by using CloudWatch metrics to monitor your RDS instances. Learn which metrics are key for your monitoring.

Shipping containers: multi-architectural Docker builds

Shipping containers: multi-architectural Docker builds

Is Docker’s “Build Once, Run Anywhere” true for IoT, often running on energy-efficient ARM CPUs? Find out how to build Docker images for all architectures!

Amazon EC2 instances: scale up and down your Autoscaling group

Amazon EC2 instances: scale up and down your Autoscaling group

You want to save energy and money? Learn to Scale up and down EC2 instances in an Autoscaling group using AWS lambda and AWS CloudWatch rules.

What API Gateway to choose: Kong, Gravitee, Tyk or HAProxy?

What API Gateway to choose: Kong, Gravitee, Tyk or HAProxy?

Which API Gateway to use between Kong, Gravitee, Tyk, and HAProxy? Learn the pros and cons of each technology to choose the best API Gateway.

Install and run Docker natively on Windows 10 Home

Install and run Docker natively on Windows 10 Home

How to install Docker on Windows 10 Home natively using WSL2 and its new Hyper-V features? Discover how to run Docker on Windows 10.

GitHub Actions: concepts and tutorial

GitHub Actions: concepts and tutorial

GitHub Actions is a task automation system fully integrated with GitHub. Learn essential concepts and follow our hands-on GitHub Actions tutorial.

CORS: what is CORS for and how to use and configure it?

CORS: what is CORS for and how to use and configure it?

CORS is a way to respect the Same-Origin Policy forced by modern browsers. Let's understand and implement CORS to make HTTP calls with your API.

How to deploy pods on specific nodes on Amazon EKS in 5 minutes?

How to deploy pods on specific nodes on Amazon EKS in 5 minutes?

Learn how to assign your pods to specific nodes on EKS using Kubernetes features as taint, toleration, label and node selector in less than 5 minutes.