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Kubernetes productivity tips and tricks with Kubectl & Helm

Kubernetes productivity tips and tricks with Kubectl & Helm

Here are some tips and tricks that will improve your productivity with Kubernetes using Kubectl autocompletion & aliases and Helm, a package manager.

How to transform 32 crons into a Kubernetes CronJob with Helm?

How to transform 32 crons into a Kubernetes CronJob with Helm?

Learn how to refactor your Helm templates by writing one helm template to deploy several similar Kubernetes cronjob: transform 32 crons into cronjob resources

Docker vs Kubernetes: are they really to be compared?

Docker vs Kubernetes: are they really to be compared?

What is a container? What is an orchestrator? Padok explains the complementarity between Docker & Kubernetes, and how to use these technologies together

Docker Commands to use: Docker vs Docker-compose

Docker Commands to use: Docker vs Docker-compose

Here are a few Docker and Docker-Compose commands you need to know before starting an IT project. Discover the basic knowledge of Docker.

Docker vs Machines Virtuelles (VM): containerize a legacy app

Docker vs Machines Virtuelles (VM): containerize a legacy app

Why should you containerize? Containers are taking the lead on VMs since it's quicker and easier to use. Learn how to containerize your legacy app with Docker.