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How to custom HPA scaling for Kubernetes, with Prometheus and RabbitMQ metric?
Scaling is critical for any resilient architecture. Learn with here how to set up autoscaling rule or HPA for Kubernetes with Prometheus and RabbitMQ metric.

Kubernetes Security Beginner: What resources or tools to get started?
Kubernetes is a trending topic these days. In this article, you will learn about Kubernetes tools, resources, and standards for the security of your cluster.

Deploying a Cloud Build NodeJS backend
Did you already dreamt about deploying a fully managed NodeJS backend with Cloud Build and Cloud Run automatically on GCP? We explain everything !

Route53 and AWS EKS: external DNS
How to automatically manage DNS records of your ingresses and services in your AWS EKS cluster using external DNS and Route53?

Getting started with kubectl plugins
Add new commands and give your productivity a boost when operating K8s clusters by extending kubectl’s capabilities with community-supported plugins.

Kubernetes NFS Provisioner: Persistent NFS volumes in ReadWriteMany
The NFS storage provisioner can create persistent storage volumes with write access on pods. Here is how to deploy it with a Helm chart.

The best resources to learn about Kubernetes
This article introduces you to some of Kubernetes' basic resources, in order to learn more about the open source container orchestration platform.

Kubernetes technologies: Kubeadm vs MiniKube, Kind and K3S
This blog post compares four Kubernetes technologies: MiniKube, Kubeadm, Kind and K3S to help beginners start with Kubernetes.

Learn how to speed up Gitlab CI
Set up an efficient CI/CD workflow. You will learn here how to optimize and speed up a GitLab CI pipeline while keeping the bill as low as possible.

Best Devops resources for learning
DevOps has become a very common word. But, this practice is not widespread in every company. Here, find different DevOps resources to learn more.

How to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean with Terraform?
Learn how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with Terraform on DigitalOcean. This Cloud Provider features a simple but complete managed Kubernetes service!

Create a Docker image using Multi-Stage Builds
Are you tired of creating huge contraptions to optimize your Dockerfiles? Use Multi-Stage to develop a single docker image for all your environments.

SG and NACL configurations for Amazon EKS
This blog post compares AWS Security Groups (SGs) and Network Access Control List (NACLs) for firewall good practices for an Amazon EKS cluster.

How to manipulate in a workspace the Terraform resources?
You want to change a Terraform resource’s name in a workspace? Or move a resource between a “count” and a for_each loop? This article will help you!

How to use the first command line interface of GitHub : GitHub CLI 1.0
September 2020, Github launched its first command line interface: GitHub CLI 1.0. Learn how to manage your repositories with pull requests in this article.

Setting up a Debian package mirror with Aptly for offline use
Installing packages in an offline environment is a tricky thing to figure out. Find out how you could set up your own Debian package mirror for offline use.

How to optimize your CI/CD for Monorepo Node projects with Gitlab CI?
In this article, optimize your CI/CD workflows on Monorepo Node projects with GitLab CI to achieve faster development cycles and increase productivity.