Outsourcing, externalize monitoring and maintenance of your cloud infrastructure

The daily management of your IT infrastructure is time-consuming, and you want to refocus on your core business? Theodo Cloud offers tailored outsourcing solutions for all situations, including IT supervision.

Externalize management of my infrastructure
Externaliser Infogérance
The challenges

Why outsource the management of your IT infrastructure?

There are 4 main situations in which our clients engage us for the outsourcing of their cloud infrastructure:


Development & productivity

They want developers and ops teams to refocus on their core business to deliver new features faster.



They need a perfectly stable infrastructure without downtime, especially during events like marketing campaigns.



They want to relieve DevOps teams from on-call duties during nights, weekends, and holidays. Outsourcing IT management provides employees with a better work-life balance and simplifies HR/legal processes for the company.

External Expertise

External expertise

They want to be advised by experts on their technology usage and benefit from a quality framework to identify improvements in their infrastructure.

Our modular outsourcing offers

We offer IT outsourcing solutions based on a Lego model. You choose, according to your situation and needs, one or more blocks and the bricks that will compose each of them. Here are our 3 blocks.

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This block ensures the daily maintenance of your infrastructure and its optimization to enhance performance and cost. Depending on your outsourcing needs, you can choose one or more bricks from: Maintain Maintenance, Maintain Recommendations, Maintain Governance, Maintain FinOps, and Maintain HDS. With Maintain Maintenance, we perform updates or version upgrades of your DevOps tools. Maintain Recommendations provides quarterly optimization recommendations based on our quality framework. Maintain Governance offers access to health indicators of your infrastructure that will be monitored monthly. Maintain FinOps helps identify unused resources to reduce your cloud infrastructure costs. Lastly, Maintain HDS ensures compliance with HDS standards (mandatory if hosting health data).



This block ensures incident reaction. You can choose one or more bricks to shape this block to perfectly meet your outsourcing needs. The bricks include: React Support, React Incident, React SecOps, and React Event. React Support allows you to contact our experts anytime for help on any infrastructure-related topic. With React Incident, we monitor your cloud infrastructure, directly intervene in case of incidents, and conduct a post-mortem to prevent a recurrence. React SecOps provides you access to a security champion for your cybersecurity needs. React Event offers heightened monitoring during your marketing events (product launches, flash sales, promotions, etc.) to handle the increased load.

Infogérance Ouvrée


This block allows your infrastructure to evolve according to your business needs and those of your technical teams, such as migrating to new technology, improving your CI/CD pipeline, etc. Change ensures intervention time by our DevOps experts to evolve your infrastructure according to its quality level and your needs.

Some examples of outsourcing offers

A Lego offer: Choose 1 to 3 blocks (React, Maintain, Change). And within these blocks, select the bricks you need. All our clients have different offers. However, we've identified 3 trends among our clients as follows:

You have Ops


Our clients : Sunday, Selency



Contact us

You have no Ops


Our clients : SymplyYoubox by Quitoque, Barnes, Beneteau, Getlink

Contact us

You have sensitive or health-related data

Our customers : Biotech (Biogroup), Investment banks (BPIFrance, BNP Paribas)

Contact us
REACT: 4 complementary outsourcing bricks. Whether you need an outside eye or on-call resources, our experts can meet your needs.

React support

Access to DevOps and DevSecOps experts to meet your infrastructure requirements

React support non React support oui React support oui

React incident

Infrastructure outsourcing (monitoring and blackbox alerting) and incident response

react incident oui react incident oui react incident oui

React Event

Temporarily increase your resources and monitor the event to ensure that it runs smoothly

React Event non Frequent peak loads (e-commerce, influencers) Frequent peak loads (e-commerce, influencers)

React SecOps

On-call DevSecOps expert

react secops non react secops non react secops oui
MAINTAIN: 5 bricks in this block. We can help you optimize your infrastructure or comply with ISO and HDS standards.

Maintain entretien

Regular optimization of your infrastructure for updates, version upgrades, or quota increases.

maintain entretien non maintain entretien non maintain entretien oui

Maintain recommandation

Proactive expert advice to optimize the quality of your infrastructure.

maintain recommandation oui maintain recommandation oui maintain recommandation oui

Maintain gouvernance

Reporting on the health status of your infrastructure.

Maintain gouvernance oui Maintain gouvernance oui Maintain gouvernance oui

Maintain FinOps

Reporting, analysis, and cost optimization recommendations.

Maintain FinOps non Maintain FinOps oui Maintain FinOps non

Maintain HDS & ISO27001

HDS/ISO compliance implementation and targeted managed services

maintain HDS non maintain HDS non maintain HDS oui
CHANGE: Our experts implement the recommendations upon request.
Change change non change oui change oui

Staying at the forefront of technology

Our certifications

Theodo Cloud earns two new major certifications

Explore our dedicated offer

HDS certification

This certification allows us to build and manage cloud infrastructures for projects involving health data.


ISO27001 certification

The ISO/IEC 2001 certification strengthens our cybersecurity expertise, ensuring protection against data loss, theft, or alteration.

Our partners

Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Azure, OVHcloud, Kubernetes, and datadog partner with us to offer modular cloud outsourcing services.

Microsoft Azure

Each intervention follows the following process

  1. Scoping

    Our experts rely on your business and operational challenges to implement tailor-made IT outsourcing. We monitor and optimize what matters to you, based on your SI (System Information) constraints. For example, if you're losing users in the subscription process, we'll focus our efforts there.

  2. Setup

    Once the outsourcing need is well defined, our experts perform an infrastructure audit to assess its health. The remediation phase follows to bring the infrastructure up to the expected quality level. Next, our experts install monitoring probes based on your business and operational needs. For example, on the subscription process to track any user incidents. Our experts also provide you access to the ticketing tool for tracking and ensuring responses to your requests.

  3. Maintain

    Every quarter, our experts provide you with infrastructure improvement recommendations. During the quarterly meeting, we review with you the number of acquired customers, product and technical evolutions, upcoming events, your business challenges, technical modifications made and planned, and recommendations based on interventions. Together, we prioritize outsourcing initiatives.

  4. React

    In case of production incidents, we immediately intervene to restore your platform. Once the incident is over, we produce a post-mortem explaining what happened and recommend measures to prevent recurrence.

  5. Change

    Change involves adding a new technical brick or evolving a component of your infrastructure. This component can be added following monthly recommendations to enhance your infrastructure's quality, or at your request at any point during our collaboration based on your needs. We estimate the request and seek your confirmation to schedule and proceed.

    Externalize management of my infrastructure

Outsourcing deliverables

Here are some of the deliverables that we provide to our clients based on the chosen IT managed services.


ROSE quality score

Theodo Cloud DevOps experts start by calculating the infrastructure's quality score using our ROSE framework. This allows them to identify priority initiatives to ensure a Resilient, Operable, and Secure infrastructure.


HDS/ISO compliance framework (maintain HDS & ISO)

We've created a framework called YAMAS to make HDS/ISO compliance elements transparent and accessible. You can easily identify where you stand and what remains to be done.

dashboard datadog

Datadog dashboard

At the start of our outsourcing projects (excluding React Support), we place probes on your critical pathways simulating the journey of a user on your platform. We provide you access to the Datadog Dashboard so you can also monitor what's happening on your infrastructure.


Post-mortem (react incident)

Whenever an incident occurs, we produce a post-mortem explaining what happened and providing recommendations to prevent recurrence.

Our promise

Ensuring your success

Because your success is important to us, we commit to giving you all the keys to succeed in your outsourcing:

  • monitoring

    User journey monitoring to watch what impacts your activity

  • experts

    Cloud and build experts to quickly and sustainably resolve your incidents

  • support

    Personalized support to adapt your infrastructure to your needs

  • recommendations

    Concrete and prioritized recommendations

  • bpifrance

    Outsourcing managed services

    BPIfrance is a public investment bank that supports businesses in thinking bigger. They recently launched a new product on the market - an online bank for entrepreneurs. Their promise: fast financing solutions for all your projects. To ensure excellent customer satisfaction, BPIfrance turned to Theodo Cloud to manage its cloud infrastructure and ensure high platform availability.

    • Points Clés

      Key points

      • The online banking platform must support 70,000 users and 10,000 subscriptions per month.
      • Critical user journey defined with BPIfrance: electronic signature and disbursement completed.
      • Empower developers to independently deploy new features.
    • Results


      • 62 probes installed on 8 BPIfrance infrastructures
      • 99.9% production uptime
      • 90 developers self-sufficient in deployments due to an improved CI/CD pipeline