Our build offer: build or enhance your infrastructure with our DevOps experts

Are you launching a new platform and need to build the cloud infrastructure to support it, or do you want to add components to your existing infrastructure? Our DevOps experts design and build your tailored infrastructure, from creating environments to setting up the CI/CD pipeline.

Build my infrastructure
Build Cloud
The Challenges

Why do our clients choose our build offers?

In what situations do our clients engage us to build an infrastructure:

Design Consultation

Design consultation

The technical strategy is undefined, and the client wants us to define the target cloud architecture together before building the infrastructure.

External expertise

Need for expertise

The target cloud architecture is defined, but internal teams lack sufficient expertise in technologies (Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, etc.), and the client wants to strengthen them with DevOps experts.



Internal ops teams are overloaded and need reinforcement to ensure continuous improvement and infrastructure evolution.

Urgent Delivery

Urgent delivery

The client has a tight deadline and needs a team of experts capable of delivering a high-quality infrastructure quickly.

Our different types of interventions

We help you build the infrastructure that addresses your challenges. And we support you in enhancing it based on your business needs.

Request your quote
Infrastructure from scratch

Infrastructure from scratch

Do you need to build an entire infrastructure on Cloud or On-premise? Our experts design the full infrastructure from A to Z: environments, CI/CD, monitoring, and security. Your developers are engaged to ensure genuine DevOps collaboration.

Équipe dédiée

Dedicated team

You're aware of multiple ops projects to initiate and lack the necessary teams? Theodo Cloud's DevOps experts step in as if they were your own, helping prioritize and progressively implement ops initiatives while catering to your developers' needs.


Monitoring setup

You have an infrastructure, but lack visibility for smooth operation, making management challenging? We deploy a monitoring stack to track infrastructure performance so you can swiftly and effectively respond to incidents.


CI/CD implementation

Your infrastructure doesn't enable your development teams to deploy smoothly? We establish the complete CI/CD pipeline, staying closely aligned with your application code and existing development tools (Gitlab, Github, Circle CI, etc.).

Our expertise

Staying at the forefront of Technology

Our certifications

Theodo Cloud earns two new major certifications

Explore our dedicated offer

HDS certification

This certification allows us to build and manage cloud infrastructures for projects involving health data.


ISO27001 certification

The ISO/IEC 2001 certification strengthens our cybersecurity expertise, ensuring protection against data loss, theft, or alteration.

Our partners

Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Azure, OVHcloud, Kubernetes, and Scaleway trust us to implement their technologies for our clients.

Microsoft Azure
OVH cloud

Each intervention follows the following process

  1. Pre-Project

    This pre-project aligns all project participants on the objective (measurable success, target cloud architecture). It also prepares the ground to ensure the technical team is well-prepared from day one (roadmap creation, resolving technical uncertainties and dependencies).

  2. Project

    The Theodo Cloud technical team builds the infrastructure in one-week sprints. All tasks are validated by the client to ensure complete visibility of the built infrastructure. In many projects, a client Ops member is integrated throughout to be trained on the technologies.

    Build My Infrastructure


Deliverables showcase project progress. Weekly verification ensures alignment with objectives.


Quality score

Theodo Cloud DevOps experts calculate the infrastructure's quality score weekly using our ROSE framework. This prioritizes technical tasks each sprint, ensuring a Resilient, Operable, and Secure infrastructure.


Documentation tailored to your standards

What matters most is that the documentation is designed to be user-friendly for the client. We build upon your best practices and tools to ensure our documentation seamlessly integrates with your existing setup. The documentation is validated by the technical Product Owner on the client's side, just like a technical task. This way, we ensure that it meets your requirements precisely.

plan vers le succès

Road to success

At the project's outset, we establish a roadmap to success, enabling the client to visualize the entire project and verify alignment with objectives. The document is updated weekly to track overall project progress.

Stratégie technique

Technical strategy (Trello)

The client-side technical Product Owner can follow task progress in real-time using Trello/Jira. They are also informed of daily objectives through the morning daily email.



Your infrastructure is key to your business. We train your teams on new technologies and processes.

Our promise

Ensuring your success

All our teams have a high level of expertise in the proposed technologies, but our support goes much further:

  • cloud

    A Cloud-agnostic technical team adapting recommendations

  • sur mesure

    Tailored infrastructure evolving based on your feedback

  • green IT

    Guidance on sovereignty and Green IT challenges

  • projet

    Integration of your teams with ours throughout the infrastructure project

  • logo-bpifrance

    Construction of the state guaranteed loan infrastructure on AWS

    President Emmanuel Macron announced a state-guaranteed loan scheme on March 16th to address the cash flow needs of businesses impacted by the Covid-19 crisis. On Friday, March 20th, Bpifrance was tasked with implementing the scheme, including constructing its online platform. The State Guaranteed Loan website had to be ready by Wednesday, March 25th... Theodo Cloud took on this challenge in 5 days.

    • Project duration

      Project duration

      5 days

    • Points Clés

      Key points

      • The State Guaranteed Loan platform must never be unavailable and should support 500,000 loan requests per hour.
      • Peaks of 3 million views in 5 minutes on the frontend.
      • Expected 50,000 requests in 1 minute on the backend.
      • Aiming for 0% downtime.
    • Résultat


      • No downtime since launch.
      • No vulnerabilities detected by ANSSI.
      • One month after launch, 250,000 companies received loan pre-approvals, totaling 38 billion euros.