Amazon Web Services, migrate to the Cloud

AWS is a cloud computing platform launched by Amazon in 2006. It encompasses over 200 Amazon Cloud services and offers solutions for storage, security, application development, machine learning, and databases. Theodo Cloud supports your teams in migrating your infrastructure to AWS.

Migrate my infrastructure

What is AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a division of the American group Amazon. AWS specializes in on-demand cloud computing services for businesses and individuals.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a division of the American group Amazon. AWS specializes in on-demand cloud computing services for businesses and individuals. Rich text field: AWS quickly established itself as a leader in the public cloud market by being the most comprehensive and widely adopted platform in the world. With over 30% market share, it holds more share than its two main competitors, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


AWS provides on-demand cloud services with pay-as-you-go pricing. These services are used to build and run virtually all types of applications without upfront costs or commitments.


It offers over 200 comprehensive services, including computing, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, networking, mobile services, development tools, management tools, Internet of Things, security, and enterprise applications.

The benefits of Amazon Web Services

The AWS infrastructure has been designed to be one of the most secure cloud computing environments available to date. Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your systems and data is a priority for AWS.


Amazon operates on a shared security model, where AWS is responsible for the security of the underlying infrastructure, and you are responsible for securing the workloads you deploy. This provides flexibility and flexibility to implement relevant security controls. You can restrict access to environments that handle sensitive data or exercise less strict controls for information you want to make public.


AWS ensures respect for your privacy, as you always own your data and can encrypt, move, and manage its retention.

AWS encompasses over 175 services and continues to expand. Amazon Web Services offers far more services and features than any other cloud provider. AWS boasts a wide range of services such as computing, hosting (Amazon EC2), storage (Amazon S3), databases, as well as emerging technologies including machine learning, artificial intelligence, analytics, and the Internet of Things.

The diversity of services provides organizations with time savings, reduced IT costs, and the ability to scale applications.

AWS also offers a wide array of features within these services. For instance, there are 15 specific database engines designed to meet your application needs.


The goal of this variety is to ensure that customers find the right balance between cost and performance, and that the service is tailored to their requirements.


AWS continually accelerates its pace of innovation:

  • AWS pioneered serverless with the launch of AWS Lambda, a service that allows developers to run their code without provisioning or managing servers.
  • AWS also introduced Amazon SageMaker, a machine learning service that empowers developers and scientists to harness the power of machine learning on a daily basis, even without prior experience.
Good to know

The Amazon Web Services community

AWS has a large seasoned community with millions of users. People from all industries or company sizes regularly contribute to the community. The community offers discussion forums (AWS User Groups) and numerous meetups worldwide led by AWS experts. It's easy to find solutions to the problems you encounter thanks to the broad support network built around AWS.

Our Amazon Web Services offers

We accompany you throughout your journey to the AWS cloud. From migration to securing your infrastructure.

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Cloud migration

Cloud migration

Want to migrate your infrastructure to the Cloud? Look no further, our DevOps experts guide you throughout your migration to Amazon Web Services and train your developers to optimize your deployments.

Cloud Audit

Cloud infrastructure audit

Do you want to audit your IT infrastructure to guide you toward AWS cloud hosting? Benefit from our team's expertise to assess your IT system and obtain actionable results.

Cloud cybersecurity

Cloud cybersecurity

Do you want to migrate to the AWS cloud but have strong security constraints? Our cybersecurity experts implement the necessary measures to secure your AWS cloud infrastructure so that it has no vulnerabilities.

Partners and certifications

Theodo Cloud is an AWS Partner certified with a public sector specialization since 2019, our Ops are also certified experts.

AWS certification
AWS Security
AWS Certification
Client Case

Building the state-guaranteed loan infrastructure on AWS

On March 16, President Emmanuel Macron announced a state-guaranteed loan scheme to meet the cash flow needs of businesses affected by the Covid-19 crisis. On Friday, March 20, Bpifrance was tasked with implementing the scheme and therefore building its online platform. The State-Guaranteed Loan website had to be ready by Wednesday, March 25... Theodo Cloud had to meet this challenge in 5 days.

  • Project duration

    Project duration

    5 days
  • Key highlights

    Key highlights

    • The State-Guaranteed Loan platform must never be unavailable and support 500,000 loan applications per hour
    • Traffic spikes of 3 million views in 5 minutes on the frontend
    • Expected 50,000 requests in 1 minute on the backend
    • Target of 0% downtime
  • Results


    • No downtime since the launch
    • No vulnerabilities detected by ANSSI
    • One month after launch, 250,000 companies had received a pre-loan agreement for a total amount of 38 billion euros.