Technology (5) Keep in touch

Basic components: Kubernetes pods, services, deployments...
Learn what are the essentials components of Kubernetes: pods, service, ingress, deployments, configmap, secrets, ... eveything you need to know.

AWS IAM: Understanding the Key Concepts of IAM services
What is AWS IAM? Accounts, users, roles, requests, policies… 5 minutes to understand AWS IAM mechanics. Use IAM to deal with identity and authorization.

Apply the same Terraform on multiple AWS accounts without duplicating it
You want to apply the same terraform code to several Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts? Learn how to use IAM to change the terraform provider parameter

Docker-OSX (or Windows) development
How to use docker-sync to quickly solve the slowness issues if you are running your host’s filesystem on osx (or windows). Discover here the cause and tackle it.

Kubectl list-clusters, all the commands to know
To save time with Kubernetes, discover the mastering commands for cluster management (Kubectl) to create, delete & monitor resources.

How to monitor your EBS volumes (AWS) using CloudWatch Metrics?
To monitor your EBS volumes, use CloudWatch Metrics. Enable some available metrics on your EC2 instances and monitor them via CloudWatch or Grafana.

Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform: automate deployments with Cloud Build
Learn how to set up Continuous Deployment to automatically deploy your application on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with Google Cloud Build.

Deploying a Kubernetes app with GitLab-Ci (automated pipeline)
Learn in 5 minutes how to deploy your Kubernetes app with GitLab-CI. Create a simple automated GitLab pipeline, using a Kubernetes runner and Helm charts.

How to set up HTTPS with Istio and Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
When trying to set up Istio within a cloud provider like GCP, you will encounter a couple of challenges. One is setting up HTTPS with Istio and Kubernetes on GKE

OCI vs Docker: What is a container?
Containers are a new way to package software. Docker's image format OCI has become standard but Kubernetes uses different container runtimes.

4 HTTP Status Codes You Need to Watch Out For
Read this article to find out more about the HTTP status codes you need to watch out for.

Service mesh architecture with Istio and Kubernetes
A service mesh like Istio offers traffic management, security, and observability and help manage huge infrastructure with more than 100 microservices.

CI/CD workflow: Generate test environments with Gitlab and Kubernetes
Use GitlabCI and Helm to create multiple testing environments in your Kubernetes cluster with minimal changes to your CI workflow. Follow this tuto to see how!

Helm 3 and its fundamental commands
Helm makes it easy to run applications inside Kubernetes. Learn the new architecture and the basic Helm 3 commands.

Codemotion Berlin 2019 : Quick takeaways
Maxime Sraïki and I were at Codemotion, a great software conference in Berlin. I have attended several talks, and here are the main things I have learned.

Monitoring Prometheus-compliant applications in GKE with Stackdriver and RabbitMQ
Monitor Prometheus-compliant Kubernetes Services in GCP using Stackdriver to avoid storage and resilience issues. How to monitor a RabbitMQ cluster?

How to monitor your Amazon EC2 instances using CloudWatch Metrics?
Use CloudWatch Metrics to monitor your Amazon EC2 instances, enable some available metrics on it, and learn which metrics are key for your monitoring.