Julen Dixneuf

Julen Dixneuf

Julen is a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) at Padok. Technology enthusiast, he tackles cloud computing issues with tools like Docker, Kubernetes or Terraform

Docker build for arm64 and other architectures

Docker build for arm64 and other architectures

Learn how to build and distribute multi-architecture docker image, you'll have no excuse to not use Apple M1 laptops support in your project!

How to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean with Terraform?

How to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean with Terraform?

Learn how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with Terraform on DigitalOcean. This Cloud Provider features a simple but complete managed Kubernetes service!

GitOps on Kubernetes to manage your clusters

GitOps on Kubernetes to manage your clusters

With GitOps, keep your infrastructure in sync with a controller! Discover some useful patterns to deploy your Helm applications on Kubernetes with ArgoCD.

Shipping containers: multi-architectural Docker builds

Shipping containers: multi-architectural Docker builds

Is Docker’s “Build Once, Run Anywhere” true for IoT, often running on energy-efficient ARM CPUs? Find out how to build Docker images for all architectures!

How to use Renovate to maintain your project dependencies

How to use Renovate to maintain your project dependencies

Keeping your dependies up to date is what will sustainbaly maintain your repositories. Learn about Renovate, a tool perfect to do so!